We offer a secure and friendly learning environment before and after school where children can participate in activities that stimulate positive thinking such as games, reading, arts and crafts under the supervision of highly qualified staff that are committed to seeing every child get the best care and the right attention.
Our Breakfast Club which runs from 7:00 – 9.00am is the perfect start to their day. Our children enjoy a healthy morning meal that gives them a boost that lasts for hours, and are then dropped off at school on time in readiness for school activities.
          At 15:00pm, we pick them up from school and provide quality care till and serve a refreshing lunch tailored to their dietary needs, after which they can engage in fun activities together like puzzles, cooking, ball games, bike rides, den building and so much more while munching on light snacks. However, some may also choose to simply read a book, rest a while or just have some friendly chit-chat. Whatever the case may be, we encourage but do not force children into any activity, as long as they are doing something worthwhile. This is because we know that children are different, and so are the things that appeal to them, and we respect that.
          All afterschool activities end at 19:00, so our children can prepare adequately for the next day.